Michael Hodge

Michael Hodge is listed in the credits for the following albums:

Year Artist Album Role
1986 Allies Virtues Songwriter
1988 Mark Farner Just Another Injustice Guitars
1988 Margaret Becker The Reckoning Songwriter
1989 Kim Boyce Love is You to Me Guitar
1990 Bryan Duncan Anonymous Confessions of a Lunatic Friend Guitar, Background Vocals
1992 Two Hearts Stand Your Ground Songwriter, Guitar, Vocals
1992 Kim Boyce Facts of Love Guitars
1993 Keith Brown This Side of Heaven Acoustic and Electric Guitar
1993 4Him The Season of Love - Christmas Guitar
1993 David Meece Once in a Lifetime Electric and Acoustic Guitars
1993 Two Hearts Give 'em the Word Songwriter, Guitar, Mandolin, Background Vocals
1994 4Him The Ride Guitar, Additional Choir
1995 Aaron Jeoffrey Aaron Jeoffrey Guitars
1996 Aaron Jeoffrey After The Rain Guitar
1998 Margaret Becker Falling Forward Acoustic Guitar
1999 Anointed Anointed Guitars
2000 Charles Billingsley Marks of the Mission Guitars
2000 Solomon's Wish A Wise Man's Tragedy Acoustic and Electric Guitars
2001 NewSong The Christmas Shoes Guitars
2001 Greg Long Now Recorded, Guitars
2002 Eoghan Heaslip Mercy Guitars

Michael Hodge

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Created by: admin on 26-July-2010 - Last Edited by admin on 07-January-2016