Kim Boyce

Nov 30, 2006
Jan 01, 1997
Jan 01, 1995
Oct 25, 1994
Jan 01, 1992
Jan 01, 1990
Jan 01, 1989
Jan 01, 1988
Jan 01, 1986

Kim Boyce is listed in the credits for the following albums:

Year Artist Album Role
1985 Kenny Marks Attitude Background Vocals
1985 Joe English What You Need Background Vocals
1985 Carman The Champion Duet (Fear Not My Child), Background Vocals
1986 Billy Crockett Surprises in Disguises Background Vocals. Crowd Voice
1986 Kim Boyce Kim Boyce Vocals, Songwriter
1988 Kim Boyce Time and Again Vocals, Backing Vocals, Songwriter
1989 Various Artists Adventures in the Land of Big Beats and Happy Feets
1989 Kim Boyce Love is You to Me Songwriter, Vocals, Background Vocals
1992 Kim Boyce Facts of Love Songwriter, Vocals
1994 Kim Boyce By Faith Vocals
1996 Swirling Eddies Sacred Cows Songwriter
1997 Kim Boyce As I Am Vocals

Kim Boyce

Mar 14, 1961

Kim Boyce grew up in Florida and sang together with her younger sister, Tina, and her mother, Gail. After graduating as salutatorian of her high school class, Kim pursued a broadcasting degree at the University of South Florida. During college, her inner beauty and talent, accompanied by her outer beauty and grace, led to her becoming Miss Florida and placement in the Top Ten Semi-Finalists at the 1984 Miss America Pageant. In 1985, she moved to Nashville to pursue her dream of a career in CCM.Kim has achieved much success during the next several years: seven Contemporary Christian albums, with eleven number one songs, two hit videos, repeat Dove Award nominations and she has authored five books. Her early career was spend pioneering the genre of Christian dance/pop music. After much commercial and critical acclaim, Kim began in 1994 to change musical styles to an adult contemporary sound.Kim, and her husband, Gary Koreiba, now live in Branson, MO where Gary is a member of the popular Branson vocal group, Pierce Arrow. They are the proud parents of two boys. Kim and Gary have just completed their first duet album project, which is scheduled for release on the newly formed Renaissance Music Group label.

2006 - info courtesty of Pierce Arrow Theater
Where are they Now: 

Kim Boyce is currently part of the Pierce Arrow Theater in Branson, Missouri where she performs with her husband Gary Koreiba.  They are the parents of two boys, Gary Lee II and Alexander.

Created by: siremidor on 26-July-2010 - Last Edited by siremidor on 26-December-2020