First Call

Jun 17, 2016
Jan 01, 2007
Jan 01, 2000
Aug 06, 1996
Jan 01, 1996
Oct 10, 1995
Jan 01, 1995
Jan 01, 1994
Aug 10, 1993
Mar 31, 1992
Jan 01, 1989
Nov 17, 1987
May 08, 1987
Jan 01, 1987
Jan 01, 1985

First Call is listed in the credits for the following albums:

Year Artist Album Role
1986 Dion DiMucci Velvet & Steel Background Vocals
1987 Steve and Annie Chapman Guest of Honor Background Vocals
1987 Scott Wesley Brown The Language of Jesus Is Love Background Vocals
1987 First Call Undivided Vocal Arrangements
1987 First Call Somethin' Takes Over Vocal Arrangements
1988 Mark Baldwin The Calling Background Vocals
1995 First Call Beyond December Co-Producer
2016 First Call Second Birth Vocal Arrangements

In the 1970s, Marty was a member of a band called Fireworks, while Bonnie was pursuing a career in musical theater. They met at a studio in Nashville, Tennessee, singing backup for other singers and recording commercial jingles. Dick Tunney met the two during such a session and struck up a friendship. He introduced them to his singer-wife, Melodie. The three saw a benefit in marketing themselves as a ready-made trio for backup vocals and other studio recordings. They were considered the "first call" by music producers—first choice for studio work. But the term also fit with their belief in making their Christian beliefs first in their lives.

None of the three initially foresaw a recording or touring career. As a side project to their backing vocal careers, they agreed to record an a cappella Christmas album called An Evening In December. The album sold very well on the Contemporary Christian market, and propelled the trio into their own music projects. Offers began to come in from high profile CCM artists such as Amy Grant and Sandi Patty to join them on tour. Many comparisons have been made to the group's style similarity to the recording group The Manhattan Transfer and the New York Voices.

Around 1989, Melodie expressed a desire to try different styles of music, and left the group in 1990, yet continued her friendship with Marty and Bonnie. MaraBeth Jordan, another session singer, joined the group's ranks.

Then in 1994 came news that MaraBeth was involved in an affair with fellow CCM artist Michael English, both of whom were married to other people at the time. The media attention surrounding the affair lost First Call their record deal and MaraBeth left the group shortly thereafter.

After the incident, Melodie Tunney returned to the group for a short period to try and reduce damage to the group's image and complete their touring obligations. She also lent her vocals to several projects in which the group was currently involved. In late 1994 First Call acted as the backup group for David L. Cook's inspirational single, "When Heaven is My Home". The song was written and produced for Cook by Dick Tunney.

Two albums were recorded by Marty and Bonnie as a duo in the mid 1990's. Then in 2007, the original group reunited and recorded an album for Discovery House.

March 31, 2016

NASHVILLE, Tenn. --- Original members of the Grammy nominated, multi-Dove Award winning contemporary Christian music vocal band First Call recently attended the 2016 National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) Proclaim 16 International Christian Media Convention, which was held Feb.

Created by: siremidor on 26-July-2010 - Last Edited by siremidor on 11-August-2020