Shaun Groves

Nov 04, 2014
Aug 30, 2011
Jan 30, 2007
Jul 12, 2005
Aug 05, 2003
Jan 01, 2003
Jul 02, 2001

Shaun Groves is listed in the credits for the following albums:

Year Artist Album Role
2001 Michael W. Smith Worship Choir
2011 Shaun Groves Third World Symphony Vocals, Songwriter, Acoustic Guitar, Piano, Glockenspiel

Shaun Groves

Dec 27, 1973

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Shaun Groves is an American Christian singer-songwriter and musician from Tyler, Texas. He is a communicator who’s known by a lot of titles: Singer/songwriter. Speaker. Blogger. Husband. Daddy. Friend. He feels and thinks deeply and laughs easily. And he’s helping Christians discover what they were saved for, and being a voice for children around the world, desperate to be saved from poverty.

A Fearful Beginning
Shaun’s own salvation story began at the age of six with a dash down the aisle during an altar call given by a fiery revival meeting preacher. Shaun’s decision that day was fueled by fear; he knew he needed to be saved from eternal separation from God. But that knowledge alone didn’t bring Shaun peace.

At age 12 Shaun found the peace he was missing when he learned that God actually loved him. That basic truth turned Shaun’s world Technicolor. And living in that light, Shaun developed a love for music that propelled the weakest member of the school band all the way to the first chair, and on to a full music scholarship at Baylor University.

Change of Plans
The life plan Shaun created at Baylor made sense: marry his sweetheart Becky, become a church minister and write Christian songs on the side. But an internship with a Nashville music publisher led to a job, and that led to interest around town in his singing and songwriting. Shaun signed a recording contract at the end of 2000, just a week before the birth of the couple’s first child.

July 12, 2011

Nashville, Tenn. - Shaun Groves will release Third World Symphony on August 30 at digital retailers nationwide.

Created by: siremidor on 26-July-2010 - Last Edited by siremidor on 06-May-2022