Sara Grove's Floodplain stuns critics

Nashville, Tenn. - Floodplain, the newest album from Sara Groves is debuting to critical celebration with reviews even noting it as “one of the top albums of the year.” The November 6 release on FairTrade Services marks Groves honestly contemplating want and provision, personal struggles and empathy. Here is a sample of what critics are saying…
"Singer/songwriter Sara Groves is the embodiment of 'still water runs deep,’ so it’s not surprising her new album is titled Floodplain. Through a dark season of depression, anxiety and writer’s block, this Minnesota mom learned that living on the precipice can make life richer, but that unique view comes with risks. Her tender heart may be waterlogged, but those difficult years have given Groves’ piano-driven pop more substance. Two years in the making, this hauntingly beautiful release can be boiled down to trusting God and living life fully aware.” - Rhapsody
"… Floodplain is a profound listening experience… one of the top albums of the year.” - New Release Today
"Floodplain is deeply personal, emotionally deep, and spiritually penetrating.” - Hallels
“…those who do give it its deserved patience will at worst appreciate the simplicity of the music and the sincerity of the lyrics, and at best will wholeheartedly fall in love with Sara's warmth and profundity.” – Jesus Freak Hideout
"This is art at its best and it’s an album you’ll want to listen to a few times through to really appreciate.” - The Front Row Report
"Floodplain is another brilliant album by Sara Groves. An accessible work of wisdom and beauty: lyrically poetic and musically smart.” - Tollbooth
“Girl In The World” is a newly-launched, Groves generated mini series focused on meaningful topics like pragmatism, utility, beauty and the metaphorical Mississippi River. “Historically, when Troy has tried to get me to make videos, I have been resistant. I guess I always think I have more urgent things to do,” shares Groves. “So instead of waiting for me to sit down with a camera crew, hair and make-up, the camera crew is just coming along with me in my regular life, running errands, talking in the car, having conversations with a 'Girl in the World.' You have heard of comedians in cars getting coffee, this is going to be more like songwriters in station wagons running errands around town.” Groves even delves into the meaning of Floodplain in the following episode, click here.