PLUMB partners with Food For The Hungry to help launch LITTLE ONES campaign

Nashville, TN – Curb Records artist PLUMB is honored to help launch the new LITTLE ONES initiative through humanitarian organization FOOD FOR THE HUNGRY. The groundbreaking program inspires and enables families to break the cycles of poverty in the crucial first 1000 days of life, focusing not merely on the child but supporting and educating the parents and communities as well.
Always attracted to bringing hope to the darkest of places, Plumb traveled along with her husband and three children to Santa Cecilia, Guatemala this past July to experience firsthand the work of Food For the Hungry and Little Ones. The trip, which Plumb describes as “life changing for our whole family”, not only gave then a chance to meet their own sponsored child, Kevin, but also see the heartbreaking impact of chronic malnutrition firsthand in a little girl named Jacqueline.
When Plumb saw Jacqueline for the first time, she assumed the tiny 16-pound swaddled child was an infant. Upon speaking with her parents, however, she learned the child was in fact 5-years-old; the same age as Plumb’s own healthy 43-pound five-year-old daughter. Jacqueline was born with a congenital brain defect that has stunted her muscle development, most likely due to improper prenatal nutrition. The difference between the children’s development was shocking; one child runs and plays, the other does not have the strength to sit up.
Food for the Hungry’s Little Ones program is unique to two areas of the world that have extreme rates of chronic malnutrition in children under the age of 5: Guatemala and Bolivia. Malnutrition in the first three years of a child’s life can cause permanent damage in development, including stunted growth, illness, learning disabilities and even death. By focusing their work on the first 1000 days of a child’s life, Food for the Hungry works directly with mothers and community leaders to help reverse the cycles of poverty, creating an environment for positive mental, physical and immune system development.
Milam Byers from Food for the Hungry explains, “Our partnership with Plumb was such an obvious and natural fit from the very beginning. Tiffany's passion, ability and calling to share Hope is perfectly in line with our mission to inspire hope and end poverty together. We could not be more thrilled to be part of the Stories of Hope Tour. “
To find out more about the Little Ones program, or to see Plumb’s experience there first hand, please see -
For more information on the Little Ones Program, please see