BEC Recordings' Manafest Releases FIGHTER to Rave Reviews

Seattle, Wa – This week BEC Recordings’ and international rock artist Manafest (aka Chris Greenwood) released his fifth studio album, Fighter. This album follows his critically acclaimed release The Chase and is already on track to reach the heights of his previous effort. In true Manafest fashion, he has already taped two music videos from this new album. Fans can view “Never Let You Go” and “Pushover” online now.
“Never Let You Go,” Fighter’s lead CHR single, currently New and Active, shows the softer, more spiritually reflective side of Manafest’s endless pursuit. This song is also charting on the National Christian Audience chart. The title track is currently at Rock radio and charting in the Top 10.
The media are digging Fighter stating it is “lyrically intense,” “packs a power punch,” and an “ambitious blend of rap, hip-hop and R&B.” Here are samples of what the media are saying about Manafest’s Fighter:
"Wrapped up in each of the eleven tracks is a message defined by positivity and the will to get up and make a difference. If anyone out there needs a new album to spin while working out, trying to get through hard times in life, or just to put a little fire under you, look no further."
"All things considered, Fighter is a fun, upbeat rap rock album with a pleasantly encouraging message. Fans of Manafest and the genre in general will find plenty to like here."
"Lyrically intense, the musicianship on this record is nearly flawless. Arguably better than most Top 40 rock, fans of the genre will NOT want to pass this up, and I hope to see several of these songs go on to gain major mainstream exposure."
-NewReleaseTuesday 4.5 star review
"Fighter packs a power punch dripping with melodic hooks, hardcore tracks and spot-on vocals...making his musical output stronger than ever before."
-CCM Magazine 4 Star Review
"An accessible but still ambitious blend of rap, hip-hop and R&B. The street-savvy artist tackles topics like childhood insecurity, perseverance and evangelism."
-GMCtv online
"This one-two punch of blazing spirit and back-against-the-wall verve could just be the thing that endears Fighter to fans."
"The entire album seemed to have a common theme which was hopeful but also challenging listeners to stand up for what they believe, and not give up."
-ChristianMusicJunkie Blog
"Manafest is giving rap a hardcore edge"
-The Shorthorn (University of Texas Arlington paper)