Jesus Culture
In the summer of 1999, the youth group led by Banning Liebscher at Bethel Church in Redding, California, launched the first Jesus Culture conference. The heart of these gatherings was to serve other churches and lead young people to experience the radical love of God. At each conference there was a strong presence of the Lord, and the youth and young adults were going back to their homes, schools, work places and churches, completely impassioned and transformed.
A few years into hosting conferences at Redding, the Lord began to speak to us about a new breed of revivalists that were emerging throughout the earth to answer the cry of God’s yearning for nations. Our mandate was defined: to raise up, mobilize, equip, encourage, resource, and send these burning ones to fulfill the call of God on their lives, and see entire cities saved, campuses revolutionized, and nations discipled. The Lord revealed they would be marked by four main characteristics:
1) They would be connected with spiritual fathers and mothers and aligned under their covering.
2) They would be passionately in love with Jesus – encountering His extravagant love for them daily.
3) They would give their lives to prayer and know how to win the war in the heavens.
4) They would walk in the supernatural – demonstrating the Kingdom of God through power.
It soon became very clear to us that worship was to be a significant part of our movement. Kim Walker-Smith, Chris Quilala, and Melissa How were worship leaders at our local youth group, and the Lord began to use them to bring an entire generation into whole-hearted worship.
Shortly after God commissioned us to mobilize this new breed of revivalists, we began taking Jesus Culture conferences to different regions, and currently hold them in Redding, Orange County, Dallas/Ft Worth, Chicago, Atlanta, and multiple cities through Australia and England. Also, in response to our mandate, Jesus Culture Music and Campus Awakening have been inspired and birthed out of Jesus Culture.
Jesus Culture Music
Jesus Culture Music exists to ignite revival in the nations of the earth. Our heart is to compel the Body of Christ to radically abandon itself to a lifestyle of worship, motivated by a passion to see God receive the glory that is due His name. We long for Jesus to be exalted in the nations and for His manifest presence to invade this world. Although we aspire for people to sing great worship songs, we are primarily committed to see them come into His presence through worship… to encounter His extravagant love and raw power.