Dennis Jernigan is listed in the credits for the following albums:
Year | Artist | Album | Role |
1997 | MercyMe | Traces of Rain | Songwriter |
1998 | MercyMe | Traces of Rain Volume II | Songwriter |
1998 | Insyderz | Skalleluia! | Songwriter |

Dennis Jernigan
Having penned songs that are sung in churches and worship gatherings over the entire world like, "You Are My All In All," "Thank You," "Who Can Satisfy My Soul (There Is A Fountain)," "I Belong to Jesus," "We Will Worship the Lamb of Glory," and many others, Dennis Jernigan is a worship leader, song receiver, and author, but more importantly, he is a husband and father. Married for 33 years to Melinda, they have nine children and make their home in Muskogee, Oklahoma, where they are now welcoming grandchildren. Having been walking in freedom from his former homosexual identity since November 7, 1981, Jernigan takes great joy in sharing the grace and love of God with any who desire freedom in their own lives. Known for his worship songs, his gift for singing God's heart over hurting people, and his ability to lead people into a deeper, freeing awareness of Father's love in their lives, DJ spends a great deal of time encouraging others to embrace their true identity in Christ.
About DJ. (2022) Retrieved: 21-May-2022. From