Considering Lily

Jan 01, 1999
Feb 13, 1997

Considering Lily is listed in the credits for the following albums:

Year Artist Album Role
1998 Various Artists TEN - The Birthday Album

Considering Lily

Considering Lily was started as Serene & Pearle in 1991 by sisters Serene Campbell and Pearl Barrett. Born in New Zealand, the duo broght their acoustic-driven act to America. Unfortunately, Serene and Pearl's folk/rock style was left by the wayside in the wake of a burgeoning modern rock machine.

Not to worry. For the sisters’ second album, these self-proclaimed "Kiwis" revamped their style and changed their name to Considering Lily, adding a more alternative/electric sound to the mix and touring extensively in support of the album.

The change pays off as the duo begins to see its music gain a stronger fan base.

Now comes the time for a third album—and time for another change. Serene, now a wife and mother, opts to leave the group and devote more time to family concerns. Pearl Barrett, also a wife and mother, chooses to continue Considering Lily, believing God has called her to be in the band.

Enter Eddie DeGarmo, the then vice president of A&R at ForeFront Records who had been listening to a promo pitch for a record deal from Jeanette Herdman (former J. Crew model and wife of Audio Adrenaline's Bob Herdman). Suddenly, the pieces fit. He introduces Herdman to Barrett, they hit it off, and Considering Lily, phase II, is born. The two women collaborate in the studio, refining an alterna-pop sound, and release a new album, aptly titled The Pieces Fit.

Three albums, three transformations. Not the easiest way to break into Christian music's prime time, but even with all the change she's experienced in this endeavor, founding member Pearl Barrett is determined to keep moving forward through any and all obstacles.

Touring band members included: Jason Hall (drums), Glen Kimberlin (bass), Ed Eason (guitar), Alex Nifong (guitar), Rich Toomey (bass).


Nappa, M. (n.d.). Tilling the Soul. Retrieved January 6, 2014, from Today's Christian Music website:

Considering Lily. (2013, May 29). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 01:21, January 7, 2014, from

Created by: siremidor on 26-July-2010 - Last Edited by admin on 07-January-2016