Christian Music News

Gateway Worship's 'WALLS' debuts at #1

Walls, the sixth live recording from internationally acclaimed Gateway Worship, debuted at #1 on Billboard's Christian Albums Chart and at #33 on The Billboard 200, following its October 2 release. The FairTrade Services project is the highest debuting Gateway Worship release to date.

Produced by Walker Beach, Josh Alltop and Miguel Noyola of Gateway Worship Production, Wallsfeatures 13 selections—including the debut single, “Grace That Won’t Let Go” (feat. Mark Harris)—and showcases such worship writers and leaders as Thomas Miller, Kari Jobe, Cody Carnes, Rita Springer and Mark Harris, among others.

Gateway Worship is a collective of more than 40 worship leaders, musicians and songwriters at Dallas’ Gateway Church, one of the largest and most influential congregations in North America. The ensemble, which ministers to over 35,000 attendees and thousands more online each week, is committed to leading the Church body in intimate worship with an understanding of the power of the Word of God expressed in music. Throughout the past decade numerous Gateway Worship songs have ranked among the most popular in the world, according to CCLI (Christian Copyright Licensing International).

Turning Point Media Relations