Christian Music News

Singer/Songwriter Don Moen to launch 'Worship in Action"

Nashville, TN ---- Christian music’s renowned singer, songwriter, producer, and worship leader, Don Moen, announced today the launch of a new charity, Worship In Action. Formerly known as Don Moen and Friends, Worship In Action is a Nashville, TN based charity that has a long-range plan to provide hope for the poor, aid after natural disasters, and care for orphans around the world. Currently, Worship In Action provides food and safe drinking water for the 190 children of Royal Seed Home in Ofaakor, Ghana. A donation of $25.00 per month guarantees every day one less child goes to bed hungry. Donations can be made at and the website will also offer more information about activities of the charity.

“For many years I have felt this message stirring in my heart, ‘worship is more than the songs we sing,’” explains Moen. “Worship is lifting our hands up to God, and also reaching out to those in need, touching them with God’s presence in practical and tangible ways. This is one of my greatest joys and I’m thankful you are sharing this journey with me. The name Worship In Action more clearly defines what we have always done through Don Moen and Friends…putting our worship into action.”

Moen began his sojourns to Africa in his twenties, as a member of a Christian band called Living Sound. Over the years, Moen has returned to Africa numerous times for solo performances, which are also very popular in Asia and America, where he leads packed venues in praise and worship. It was on one of these tours in Ghana, West Africa that Moen visited Royal Seed Home and met an orphan girl named Gifty. Gifty’s story deeply touched Don’s heart and moved him to do whatever he could to support the work of the home. Shortly after being born, Gifty was placed in a garbage bag and left by the side of a road. Some children playing in the area saw movement in the bag, and thinking it was a snake, began hitting it with sticks. When they heard a baby crying the children ran to get help and Gifty was placed in the orphanage. Still bearing a scar on her forehead from one of those sticks, Gifty’s charm and personality grabbed Moen’s heart and that was the beginning seed for Worship In Action. Gifty was recently adopted by an American family, but Worship In Action continues to support the 190 other children who currently reside at Royal Seed Home.

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