Christian Music News

Jeremy Camp debuts at Billboard No. 1 on Christian Albums Chart

SEATTLE, WA - BEC Recordings' and GRAMMY-nominated artist Jeremy Camp celebrates another No. 1 Billboard Christian Album debut with his most recent studio album Reckless. The album immediately shot to the top of the iTunes Christian & Gospel chart as well as in the Top 10 on the overall albums chart. This marks Camp's thrid No. 1 Billboard Christian Album debut in his career.

Rounding out his stellar street week, Camp appeared on FoxNews LIVE last Friday talking about his album and recent book release, I Still Believe (Tyndale House Publishers). In addition, Camp interviewed with Fox 411 about his recent releases, click here to read the interview. Media also touted the seventh studio album from Camp.

"Don’t let the title fool you. The album may be called Reckless, but Jeremy Camp is as solid as ever. While the songs encourage listeners to live with abandon when it comes to spiritual things, this is a well-planned collection of worship pop-rock." - Rhapsody

"Camp’s fervent heart for ministry and for God is evident through the songs and the production of the album. Reckless is honest and heartfelt, and carries some songs that would be useful in the church." - Worship Leader

"Musically, Reckless is one of the most raw and organic offerings of his career. Reckless simply reflects Camp’s heart-on-your-sleeve candor, a rare combination that shows up in a slightly more grown-up music bed." - GMCtv

"From difficult times to good ones, Camp shares a Reckless faith through it all" -

"Filled with passionate songs birthed in the furnace of worship, prayer and intercession, Jeremy Camp’s new studio album Reckless is a powerful experience calling the body of Christ to a revival and restoration in Christ with eleven brand new original songs." - NewReleaseTuesday

In addition to Reckless, Camp recently released his personal book I Still Believe. This book tells the tale of his childhood growing up in Indiana, to college years, to meeting his first wife Melissa, who passed away from cancer just months after they married and then meeting his wife Adrienne and becoming a father of three.

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