Smalltown Poets announce new EP, 'Under the New Sun'

After the band reunited for a new Christmas album last November, Smalltown Poets have laid low a bit once again, but they resurfaced this week with news of a forthcoming new EP release. Check out their announcement below for more details on Under The New Sun...
We have good news! Our new EP is nearing completion. Have you ever wondered how the little elves and squirrels do their work to make musical magic happen? Neither have we. We know it takes people to make it all happen - real people, with personalities, emotions, skills, experience, beards and perhaps allergies. Some of those people are working on the finishing touches of Under The New Sun, a brand new EP from Smalltown Poets. Matt Goldman, Evan McHugh, Allen Clark and Kevin Nix will all put their time and talent into the mixing, photographing, designing and mastering of said EP and some of them will get paid in small sums of USD.
Michael, Danny, Miguel, Byron and Kevin have all done their part and are probably awake somewhere breathing and eating or perhaps asleep and only breathing and dreaming. What are they dreaming of? I'm glad you asked. They are dreaming of the day when they can let you know that Under The New Sun is available for purchase from CD Baby, BandCamp, iTunes and Amazon. They also may dare to dream that they will get to play songs from the new EP on a stage with electricity in a city near you.
Meanwhile, Byron went and had some T-Shirts made and we can't begin to wear all of them so we'd like you to know you can buy one here.
We are also creating a new website - someone stole our other one (no, really, they did) and unless you are a lawyer and can help us get it back, we will go ahead with our plans for the new web address and let you know when it comes online.
If you have any questions or pizza recipes, please use Facebook by clicking here.
If you haven't bought Smalltown Poets Christmas yet, buy it here and get ahead on your seasonal shopping.
We wish you the best!
Smalltown Poets