Out of the Grey

Dec 01, 2015
Aug 15, 2006
Aug 28, 2001
Aug 15, 2001
Nov 17, 1998
Apr 01, 1997
Aug 01, 1995
Mar 26, 1994
Jan 01, 1992
Jan 01, 1991

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Out of the Grey


Band Members:

Guitars, Vocals

Image Gallery

Out of the Grey is a husband-and-wife Contemporary Christian music project consisting of Scott and Christine Denté. Christine provides lead vocals, while Scott plays guitars and sings background, along with the occasional lead vocals. They have released six studio albums, one best-of compilation and one live EP and have been involved in a number of other projects. Their debut album was ranked 47th in the book CCM Presents: The 100 Greatest Albums in Christian Music.

The couple's last album was released in 2001, and they have been active in other ways since then. On May 3, 2004, the following statement on their website:

Scott and I did leave Rocketown. A mutual decision between us and the label. Still friends and all is well. Scott is involved in a business venture with Charlie Peacock (outside of CCM). I am teaching our 3 children which is about all I have time for. Occasionally, Out of the Grey has a show somewhere but the gigs are few and far between. However, we continue to create and will probably do another record one of these years. Keep your ears open for news of that when the time is right. Until then, thank you, each one of you, for your encouragement and prayers! —Christine Denté

Created by: siremidor on 26-July-2010 - Last Edited by siremidor on 16-August-2020