Ernie Rettino & Debbie Kerner

Jan 01, 1979
Jan 01, 1978
Jan 01, 1976
Jan 01, 1975
Jan 01, 1974

Ernie Rettino & Debbie Kerner is listed in the credits for the following albums:

Year Artist Album Role
1979 Various Artists Hosanna Performer

Ernie Rettino & Debbie Kerner


Band Members:

Debby Kerner & Ernie Rettino are best known as the creators of Psalty the Singing Song Book in the Kids' Praise! series of Christian childrens musical albums. They also created Solomon the Supersonic Salamander, and HiTops: a musical for pre-teens and teens. But their work goes well beyond the children's market with extensive work with Maranatha! Music and the Praise series as well as a number of projects for adults.

Debby started off as a solo Christian singer in 1969. She and Ernie met at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa in Southern California, where she led worship. They have been making music together since the mid-1970s and were married in 1976. Together they have released several duet albums intended for the adult market.

In 2006, Kerner became Director of Worship Leadership at Saddleback Church; she trains and mentors worship leaders and oversees venues at the church's Lake Forest campus. She graduated from Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary with the Doctor of Ministry degree in 2010. She is now Dr. Debby Kerner Rettino.

Created by: admin on 26-July-2010 - Last Edited by siremidor on 26-April-2016