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The Sheep
The Sheep were a group of American Jesus freaks with some historical significance for the international Jesus movement of the early '70s. The band's origins lie with a group that was initially called the Milwaukee Discipleship Training Community in Wisconsin, led by Jim and Sue Palosaari. Eventually, this group would split amicably, resulting in a splinter that became Jesus People USA. The Palosarris moved to Europe, and The Sheep was formed as a community band playing music to draw a crowd for preaching and, eventually, offering evangelistic concerts. While there, The Sheep created a Christian musical called Lonesome Stone which toured Europe.
Eventually, the Palosaaris would return to the States, settling in Oregon and starting the Highway Missionary Society. The Sheep morphed into the Christian rock band Servant headed by new leaders Owen and Sandy Brock.
Powell, M. A. (2003). The Sheep (a.k.a. Karitsat). In Encyclopedia of Contemporary Christian Music (2nd ed., pp. 819). Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers, Inc.