Urias LeFevre

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Urias LeFevre

Urias LeFevre has been a member of:

Urias LeFevre (1910 - 1979) served as leader and patriarch of the legendary Singing LeFevre Family for more than fifty years.

In a career that began as a boy in 1921, Urias sang lead and played guitar in the original LeFevre Trio along with his brother, Alphus, and his sister, Maude. Converting solely to gospel music by the late-1920s, he attended the Church of God Bible Training School and sang briefly with the Bible Training School Male Quartet.

After marrying Eva Mae Whittington in 1934, he reformed the LeFevre Trio...this time with his new bride singing alto and playing piano. Over the next three decades, Urias led the LeFevres into successful ventures in radio and television, including the pioneering Gospel Singing Caravan. In addition, the family developed successful recording and publishing interests in the gospel music field.

Along the way, the LeFevres became one of the most popular performing groups in Southern Gospel, making personal appearances in virtually every state of the nation

 One of the two brothers who founded the Southern Gospel group The LeFevres and The Singing LeFevres.  Urias youngest son, Mylon LeFevre, had a highly successful solo .

Created by: siremidor on 13-May-2011 - Last Edited by admin on 07-January-2016