New Creation Singers

Jan 01, 1981
Jan 01, 1979
Jan 01, 1978
Jan 01, 1975
Jan 01, 1973
Jan 01, 1972
Jan 01, 1972

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New Creation Singers


The New Creation Singers was a Christian musical group started by Gene and Audrey Dalton in the mid 1960's. Traveling with evangelist Gene Dalton, they sang in churches, festivals, schools, coffee houses, and on the streets. Their ministry took them all over the globe to over 25 nations and 49 states where they ministered the gospel in song. From their humble beginnings in the 1960's through their world-wide travels in the 1970's The New Creation Singers sought to spread the message that Jesus is the only way.

The New Creation Singers specialized in singing scripture songs taken straight from the Bible. Singing the scriptures is a wonderful way to praise the Lord, and a valuable way to meditate upon the Word and memorize it. In this way our minds are continually renewed by the washing of the Word. Did you know that the Psalms were originally written with music?

What better way is there to keep our hearts in tune with the Lord than to sing the Scripture. The Lord exhorts us to do just this in Eph. 5:18-19; "Be filled with the Spirit; speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord."

About The New Creation Singers. (2005). Retrieved April 10, 2012, from The New Creation Singers website:

Created by: siremidor on 26-July-2010 - Last Edited by admin on 07-January-2016