Graham Kendrick

Apr 08, 2022
Apr 01, 2022
Mar 25, 2022
May 18, 2018
Jun 22, 2015
Jun 04, 2013
Apr 26, 2011
Jul 26, 2010
Jan 01, 2010
Jan 01, 2007
Jan 01, 2006
Jan 01, 2005
Jan 01, 2004
Jan 01, 2003
Jan 01, 2001
Jan 01, 2001
Jan 01, 2000
Jan 01, 1997
Jan 01, 1996
Jan 01, 1995
Jan 01, 1994
Jan 01, 1993
Jan 01, 1992
Jan 01, 1992
Jan 01, 1991
Jan 01, 1990
Jan 01, 1989
Jan 01, 1989
Jan 01, 1988
Jan 01, 1988
Jan 01, 1986
Jan 01, 1985
Jan 01, 1984
Jan 01, 1983
Jan 01, 1983
Jan 01, 1981
Jan 01, 1981
Jan 01, 1979
Jan 01, 1979
Jan 01, 1978
Jan 01, 1976
Jan 01, 1974
Jan 01, 1972
Jan 01, 1971

Graham Kendrick is listed in the credits for the following albums:

Year Artist Album Role
1974 Graham Kendrick Paid on the Nail Acoustic Guitar, Vocals
1982 Sheila Walsh Future Eyes Songwriter
1983 Sheila Walsh War of Love Songwriter
1984 Sheila Walsh Triumph in the Air Songwriter
1990 Morris Chapman Live Worship Songwriter
2013 Graham Kendrick Worship Duets Songwriter, Vocals

Graham Kendrick

Aug 02, 1950

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Graham Kendrick is a prolific British Christian singer-songwriter and worship leader. He is the son of Baptist pastor, the Rev. M. D. Kendrick. He now lives in Tunbridge Wells and is a member of Holy Trinity with Christ Church, Tunbridge Wells. He is a member of Ichthus Christian Fellowship. Together with Roger Forster, Gerald Coates and Lynn Green, he was a founder of March for Jesus, which mobilized millions of Christians to go beyond the walls of the church, taking praise, prayer and acts of charity and reconciliation to the streets.

Kendrick began his songwriting career in the late 1960s. His most enduring accomplishment is his authorship of the words and music for the song, "Shine, Jesus, Shine", which is among the most widely heard songs in contemporary Christian worship worldwide. His other songs have been primarily used by worshipers in Britain. He received a Dove Award in 1995 for his international work. In 2000, Brunel University awarded Kendrick an honorary doctorate in Divinity ('DD') in "recognition of his contribution to the worship life of the Church". He was awarded another DD in May 2008, from Wycliffe College in Toronto, Canada.

Although now best known as a worship leader and writer of worship songs, Graham Kendrick began his career as a member of the Christian beat group Whispers of Truth. Later, he began working as a solo concert performer and recording artist in the singer/songwriter tradition. He was closely associated with the organisation Musical Gospel Outreach and recorded several albums for their record labels. On the first, Footsteps on the Sea, released in 1972, he worked with the virtuoso guitarist Gordon Giltrap.

Kendrick worked for a time as a member of "In the Name of Jesus," a mission team led by the Rev. Clive Calver. Calver went on to run British Youth for Christ and the Evangelical Alliance, and then left the United Kingdom for the Evangelical Church in the United States. Kendrick, however, has remained firmly fixed in the UK church as probably the most influential Christian songwriter of his generation.

Kendrick also released "Let the Flame Burn Brighter" as a single in 1989, which reached 55 in the UK Singles Chart.

He is a member of Compassionart, a charity founded by Martin Smith from Delirious?.

Graham Kendrick. (2014, December 31). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 17:08, January 1, 2015, from

Jan 12, 2022

My guest today has been writing music since the early 1970s. And I’ll bet that many of you have sung some of his songs in your church, songs like “Shine Jesus Shine” or “Knowing You.” Graham has released more than 40 albums in the past fifty years and has introduced the concept of PsalmSurfing, a way of using the songbook of the Old Testament in our daily lives. He is a worship leader, songwriter, and teacher, and I’m just really excited to welcome, all the way from the United Kingdom, Mr. Graham Kendrick.

June 04, 2013

For more than 30 years, worship leader and songwriter Graham Kendrick has been at the forefront of Christian music in the United Kingdom, crafting songs such as “Shine Jesus Shine,” “The Servant King,” and “Amazing Love” that have inspired worshipers around the globe.

Created by: siremidor on 26-July-2010 - Last Edited by siremidor on 04-May-2022