Mandisa Lynn Hundley professionally known as Mandisa, is an American gospel singer and was the ninth-place finalist in the fifth season (2006) of American Idol. After graduating from El Camino...
I am an aspiring artist from Omaha, Nebraska. I first started attending Bellevue Christian Center about 15 years ago. I started enjoying the experience of worship as a newly baptized member and have...
Andrew Mark Marcus is a Canadian worship musician. Marcus was born, Andrew Mark Marcus in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. He is the son of Egyptian Christian immigrants and has an...
Mark Bishop and Forget the Sea consists of Mark Bishop, his daughters, Courtney Bishop Isaacs and Haley Bishop, Mark's son-in-law, John Isaacs, Josh Rison, Chris Withrow, and Russell Funk.
The Mark Lowry Vocal Band consists of Mark Lowry, Riley Harrison Clark and Jason and Jay Griggs of the group "Endless Highway".
Randy Matthews (born 1950) is a Christian singer-songwriter, guitarist, and pioneer of Jesus music. He was born into a family with at least five ordained ministers, including his father, Monty, a...
Sandra McCracken’s prolific contributions as a songwriter, modern-day hymn writer, and record producer has brought grace and clarity to her soulful, folk-gospel sound. Whether in a theater or in...
Andrew Aaron Mineo is an American Christian hip hop artist, producer, music executive, and video director based in New York City. He is signed to Reach Records and his creative initiative Miner...