Warr Acres

Aug 28, 2015
Oct 29, 2013
Aug 23, 2011

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Warr Acres


Warr Acres is the worship band for Victory Church in Oklahoma City. Warr Acres began releasing albums in 2005 under the name, VMusic. In 2011, VMusic was rebranded as Warr Acres, bringing an energetic, pop/rock worship sound to their self titled debut release WARR ACRES.

Warr Acres encompasses the entire worship ministry of Victory Church, under the leadership of Chris Crow, Lael Ewing, Oscar Ortiz and Kristy Starling. This foursome leads a group of talented songwriters and provide all the vocals on the Warr Acres 2013 release, Hope Will Rise.

Created by: siremidor on 28-August-2011 - Last Edited by admin on 07-January-2016