The Walter Eugenes

Jan 01, 2000
Apr 04, 1995
Jan 01, 1991

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The Walter Eugenes

Band Members:

Keyboard, Drums, Guitar, Bass

The Walter Eugenes were a short-lived two piece rock band from the 1990s. Their debut album came out on Ocean Records in '91. Their first effort sported a vibe similar to that of new wave bands of the time like The Smiths and The Cure. The album didn’t get a lot of attention, probably due to the size of their label. The Walter Eugenes went on to sign to StarSong Records and released their most public offering, Beautiful. Their sound also changed to funk-rock alternative. They even contributed a cover song for the Petra tribute album Never Say Dinosaur. 2000 saw them release a collection of B sides, which would prove to be their final record. Their drummer Rick (Eugene) May went on to play for DC Talk, Pete Stewart and Zilch.

Created by: siremidor on 26-July-2010 - Last Edited by admin on 07-January-2016