The Ruppes

Jan 01, 2005
Jan 01, 2004
Jan 01, 2002
Jan 01, 2000
Jan 01, 1999
Jan 01, 1997
Jan 01, 1986

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The Ruppes


The Ruppes were a Southern Gospel group from 1974-2006. The Ruppes were Brenda Ruppe and her daughters Kim, Heather & Valerie. The line-up changed through the years. Some years it was Brenda, Kim, Valerie, some years it was Brenda, Valerie & Heather, but all three daughters were a part of the group at some point. All three daughters were also members ot the group LordSong and all three are currently members of the group Sisters. 

Created by: yourmomchoselife on 30-December-2022 - Last Edited by yourmomchoselife on 30-December-2022