Street Called Straight

Feb 01, 2004
Street Called Straight - Well in the Wilderness
Jan 01, 1997
Jan 01, 1992
Jan 01, 1991

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Street Called Straight


Street Called Straight was a high-tech husband and wife duo who could easily be categorized as a Christian version of Captain and Tennille, albeit with a more '90s sound. Scott Frankfurt and Jody Moehring were songwriting partners before they married and before either of them were Christians. (Jody wrote a song called "Danny" that appeared on pop singer Tiffany's debut album.) Jody says, "After my marriage [to someone else] fell apart and my career took a downward turn, I fell to my knees." Scott adds, "We were involved in substance abuse and everything else that comess with the rock 'n' roll lifestyle." The two got right with God individually and as a couple. They married and went from composing to performing together.

Scott Frankfurt is known primarily as a sound designer, capable of engineering digital recordings on computers. He worked on Michael Jackson's "Black and White" video, as well as on Twila Paris's Sanctuary.

The debut album by Street Called Straight (who took their name from Acts 9:11) is said to be the first product in the Christian market to be programmed entirely on a computer, being recorded directly to a MacIntosh hard drive with no tape involved. The album features mostly pop-dance songs with lyrics that speak of choices that help or hinder a relationship with God. Jody's voice has a husky quality similar to that of Taylor Dayne. Two ballads ("Mary's Eyes," "What a Wonderful Night")have Christmas themes.

Heartsong opens with the Phil Collins-inspired "Apple of My Eye" and also a duet with Philip Bailey written in response to the 1992 riots in Los Angeles. CCM would describe the second album as being filled with "perfect pop" songs parallel to those of a group like ABBA. The close family orientation comes through on the marital love song "Can't Keep Me Away" and on the ode to a newborn daughter "Joanna's Song." Heartsong also includes a breathy cover of Pete Seeger's "Turn! Turn! Turn!"

Jody passed away on September 30, 2006 after a struggle with lung cancer.

Powell, M. A. (2002). Encyclopedia of Contemporary Christian Music (2nd ed.). Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers, Inc.

Created by: siremidor on 26-July-2010 - Last Edited by siremidor on 23-March-2022