Shelly E. Johnson

May 06, 2022
Oct 20, 2017
Jan 22, 2016
Sep 23, 2014
Nov 05, 2013
Aug 14, 2012
Sep 07, 2010

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Shelly E. Johnson

May 01, 1985

Shelly E. Johnson is an American Christian musician and worship leader. She was born in Marietta, Georgia, where she was raised, before going on to college at Belmont University, graduating with her baccalaureate in Commercial Music. She got married to Jack Johnson, on May 28, 2005, and they reside in Woodstock, Georgia, with their daughter.

Johnson's music career started in 2007 after she graduated from college.

Created by: siremidor on 07-September-2019 - Last Edited by siremidor on 07-September-2019