
Oct 06, 1998
Jan 01, 1992
Jul 05, 1991
Jan 01, 1989

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Band Members:

Liaison was a Christian rock band formed by brothers Larry and Tim Melby in the late eighties. The brothers were born and raised in western North Dakota where the Melby home was always filled with music. As a result, they learned to play multiple instruments, which they would showcase on their albums.

Liaison was signed to Frontline Records and released their first album in 1989. Top notch production production by industry veteran Bill Baumgart and appearances by many of the day’s top rock artists resulted in four amazing rock albums. But as the arena rock sound faded from popularity, so did the band, who released their final project in '96.

Created by: siremidor on 26-July-2010 - Last Edited by admin on 07-January-2016