
Mar 11, 2008
Jul 12, 2005
Jan 01, 2003

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Inhabited is an American contemporary Christian/rock band from Spring, Texas formed in 2003. By both their sound of music and their Christian lyrics, critics have often compared their sound to bands such as Superchic[k] and Rebecca St. James,

The band's third studio album, Love, was originally titled The Life Unfolding circa late 2006. In April 2007, they issued a pre-release of the album with the new name. Since then, 4 of the original 13 songs were removed and another was added. The band's official website used to have a pop-up download of a track entitled "Listen Up" with the old album name in the ID tag. In the Love track lineup, this track has been renamed "Are You With Me".


Created by: siremidor on 21-November-2012 - Last Edited by siremidor on 11-July-2020