Highlands Worship

Oct 15, 2021
Aug 13, 2021
Feb 27, 2019

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Highlands Worship


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Highlands Worship, the worship ministry of Church of the Highlands in Birmingham, Alabama. Founded in 2001, Church of the Highlands, under the leadership of Pastor Chris Hodges, has expanded to 23 multisite campuses that collectively have over 60,000 people attending online or in-person services weekly. With the accredited Highlands College as well as student, kids, marriage, and family, and more ministry outreaches, the church purposes “to reach people with the life-giving message of Jesus that they might become fully devoted followers of Christ.”

Press Release. 13-Aug-2021. Highlands Worship Announces Multiple Video Premiers. Rick Hoganson Media.

Created by: siremidor on 22-August-2021 - Last Edited by siremidor on 22-August-2021