Elim Hall

Jan 01, 1990
Jan 01, 1986

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Elim Hall


Band Members:

Guitar, Keyboards
Bass, Vocals

Elim Hall was a progressive Canadian pop rock band that recorded two albums and toured North America as the opening act for Michael W. Smith in 1986. The group was composed of two brothers Glen and Ross Teeple and their cousin, Steve Marsh. They took their name from Elim Hall, a church built by their grandfathers. The band released two albums, which both came our on Reunion Records in the same year, though a custom version of Things Break, produced by Gary Chapman, had been available previously.

Steve Marsh and Glen Teeple would join One Hundred Days for one of the group's album, Feels Like Love. Marsh died of liver cance the day it was released.

Elim Hall. (2006, May 20). Retrieved April 11, 2014, from Christian New Wave website: http://christiannewwave.wordpress.com/2006/05/20/elim-hall/

Created by: Yianni D on 26-July-2010 - Last Edited by admin on 07-January-2016