City on a Hill

Sep 23, 2003
Sep 24, 2002
Feb 19, 2002
Aug 22, 2000

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City on a Hill

City on a Hill is a series of praise and worship music compilations performed by a variety of musicians. The series is produced by Steve Hindalong, Derri Daugherty, and Mark Byrd, who are members of the rock band The Choir. Participants have included Mac Powell, Leigh Nash, Sixpence None the Richer, Jars of Clay, Caedmon's Call, and many more. City on a Hill was designed to be a worship community, one that takes the emphasis off of the particular artist who may have their name on the song, and places it where it belongs, in worship and exaltation of God. City on a Hill released four projects, between 2000 & 2003.

Created by: siremidor on 13-February-2014 - Last Edited by admin on 07-January-2016