
Oct 08, 2002
Jan 23, 2001
Feb 08, 2000
Jan 01, 1999

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LaRue was formed by siblings Phillip and Natalie Larue in 1999. The siblings burst onto the music circuit writing most of their own songs. They released three projects on Reunion Records, ranging from pop to a more edgy alternative rock sound on their final album. Despite respectable album sales and critical buzz, the two set the band aside to focus on their new families in '02. Following their final album together, Phillip went on to a solo career on BEC Recordings as well as doing production work. He is also the founder of CMI Academy where he coaches and mentors new artists. After a ten year break to raise her children, Natalie released a fan funded EP in 2012.

Where are they Now: 

Following their final album together, Phillip went on to a solo career on BEC Recordings as well as doing production work. He is also the founder of CMI Academy where he coaches and mentors new artists. After a ten year break to raise her children, Natalie released a fan funded EP in 2012.

Created by: siremidor on 26-July-2010 - Last Edited by admin on 07-January-2016