Coby James

Jul 30, 2021
Jun 04, 2021
Apr 02, 2021
Oct 30, 2020
Oct 11, 2019

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Coby James

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Writing, producing and performing all of his own music, James assembles relatable moments, packaged in vibrant sonics, carefully curated from a wide range of artistic influences. As an artist, he is drawn to unorthodox modern pop beats. As a believer, he’s led by his Christian values. As a guitarist, he’s driven by a singular instrument, intent on honing his craft until he’s every bit the expert. As a 19-year-old on the cusp of full-fledged adulthood, he’s a thoughtful extrovert, who admittedly eats, sleeps and breathes music. He occasionally surfs, too, but even on days when he’s lucky enough to catch a wave, he’s writing. And his music is proof that his work ethic is unmatched. He writes every single day—that’s what makes him happy. It’s a habit he’s been cultivating since songwriting lit a fire under him at 15.

Chart-Topping New Artist Coby James Releases His First AC Radio Single. (4-Jun-2021) Centricity Music Press Release.

Created by: siremidor on 14-October-2019 - Last Edited by siremidor on 04-June-2021