Becky Fender

Jan 01, 2007
Jan 01, 1990
Jan 01, 1984
Jan 01, 1982
Jan 01, 1980
Jan 01, 1979
Jan 01, 1979

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Becky Fender

Dec 25, 1952

Becky Fender was born on Christmas day of 1952 in St. Paul, Minnesota. At six months of age, she and her parents moved to Louisiana to pastor a church. Becky has always been deeply involved in the work of God...singing at the early age of three at camp meetings... then, later at revivals and conventions. Music has been an enormous part of her life.

In 1971, she married Steve Fender and together they traveled as evangelists for seven years. In 1979, the Lord spoke to them to go to San Antonio, Texas, and found Livingway Church. They began in their living room with six adults.  The church quickly prospered and they have outgrown several buildings in a very short time. Now, it is one of the most prolific Spirit-filled churches in San Antonio!

In 1982, the Lord began to call Becky to be a teacher of His word. She founded "No Matter What Women", Livingway's ministry to women. In the past few years, she has ministered around the world, not only in song, but also in the Word. She has a heart to minister to women and has been featured as soloist and special speaker at numerous women's conventions.

God granted another of her greatest desires when He began to use her to write music for His glory. Her most recorded song to date is "I Give You Jesus". Another song that has touched many hearts is " I Am Changed". One of her favorites is "Whose Report Shall You Believe?" which was inspired by one of Steve's messages, and was instrumental in her personal healing of a tumor behind her eye. "I Still Have A Future" has brought hope and encouragement to many.

Becky is the Director of Music at Livingway and is the founder of Living Praise Choir, a dynamic group of people who love to sing praises to God. She is highly involved in all areas of music at Livingway and is also the praise leader for all services. In the midst of responsibilities of her family and the activities of Livingway, Becky still finds time to travel and minister both in song, and with her husband, Steve. She believes " whom much is given, much is required..." and she would be the first to testify that God has blessed her abundantly with "much"! Her greatest desire is to share the love and joy that comes from really knowing can hear it in her songs!

Created by: admin on 26-July-2010 - Last Edited by siremidor on 23-October-2020